Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Experimental Video - Chapter 5

I decided to focus my experimental video idea around the frequently occurring topics in the media. I have originally thought of the war in Iraq and how the increasing amount of troops dying is beginning to make people question about whether or not the war can actually be won. However i then decided to focus my video on how teenagers are increasingly being pressured into looking like someone their not and not being able to accept themselves for who they are.

For my video I want to have a girl who's looking into a mirror. On one side there will be the girl with no make-up on and just average clothes. I’m going to use camera angles and turn these frames upside down and during the editing stages make the frames black and white to symbolise how she's not happy with herself and she's actually looking quite plain. Her reflection in the mirror is going to show herself but very glamorous. She's wearing make-up, her hairs been done nicely and her clothes make her look fashionable. I’m going to turn these frames back to the right way up and during the editing stage make her look colourful and vibrant to again back up the idea that this is how the girl wants to look.

I also thought of putting some people in the background for the perfect looking girl to represent how she feels pressurised into looking like this just to fit in with her friends. In the reflection of the normal girl I want her to just be in a room on her own to reinforce the idea that she needs to look right to be able to hang around with the people she wants to.

My experimental video has been heavily influenced by Andy Huang's Doll Face. This video was about perfection and how no matter how hard you try you can never really achieve it.

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